Opportunities are Red Hot in the Red Centre20240821174040
Opportunities are Red Hot in the Red Centre
Bridget BellAugust 21, 2024
Getting a break in the motorsport industry often hinges on connections as much as knowledge. Many spectators in the grandstand dream of picking up the microphone, eager to entertain with their witty commentary and in-depth knowledge of cars and drive...
Profile: Georgia “George” Fardella20190118070013
Profile: Georgia “George” Fardella
Your Story MattersJanuary 18, 2019
Watching her Uncle and Pa drag race, Georgia knew it was only a matter of time before she would be old enough to join in on the family fun, and have her own turn at going fast. ...
Profile: Chelsea “Chels” Smith20190110100033
Profile: Chelsea “Chels” Smith
Your Story MattersJanuary 10, 2019
Chelsea was born to be a drag racer, after all, she was at the track cheering on her dad when she was only a few weeks old. By the age of 4, Chelsea already had plans to be "just like dad", although now she has the ultimate dream of following in Kell...
Racer Profiles: Beat the Heat20171013071400
Racer Profiles: Beat the Heat
Your Story MattersOctober 13, 2017
Lauren SCHILLING is a mum from Warracknabeal. She has just commenced her dream of being a drag racing driver, after purchasing this XR6. Although this car is also Laurens every day drive complete with a baby seat, she will be entering this car in the...
Terri doesn’t let Cancer slow her down20160204020000
Terri doesn’t let Cancer slow her down
Your Story MattersFebruary 4, 2016
My passion is DRAG RACING and I’m a wife, mother and grandmother, and I was first diagnosed with breast cancer in January 2003 aged 47 years. Name: Terri Sander aka mama My current race car is a left-hand drive Rover called “MAMA’S TOY” Its debut wa...
Girls are Stepping into all Roles20160131062300
Girls are Stepping into all Roles
Myrtle MotorheadJanuary 31, 2016
Think of any role in motorsport, team manager, driver, mechanic, photographer, track marshall, and I’ll bet you a new set of tyres, that somewhere there is a woman in that very role. Now while this observation may not surprise some of you, ther...
Surviving the “off season”20150630034200
Surviving the “off season”
Myrtle MotorheadJune 30, 2015
Whether your season finished early due to breakage, or it’s just the regular “off season” … then if you’re anything like me, simply going without for even a few months is a terrifying thought akin to “going cold tu...
RACER PROFILE: Introducing Niki Zakrzewski20150627021200
RACER PROFILE: Introducing Niki Zakrzewski
Your Story MattersJune 27, 2015
The Winternats, Australia’s biggest annual drag racing event, was a great result for myself, my race team & Harley Davidson VRod enthusiasts around the world, running 2 x 8.6 ET’s and getting into the semis & bugger when I cherrie...
Do you really want to be facebook friends with all your fans?20150420031200
Do you really want to be facebook friends with all your fans?
Andy KahleApril 20, 2015
Whether you like it or not, being a racer means you have fans. Whether you’re an international celebrity or just a celebrity in your street, you can’t avoid the fact that there are people out there who think what you do is really cool, an...
Motorsport Marketing 101 – Look & Act the Part with No Money Down20140307061800
Motorsport Marketing 101 – Look & Act the Part with No Money Down
Andy KahleMarch 7, 2014
Look & Act the Part with No Money Down Unfortunately in our sport, you only get noticed if you are exceptionally good at what you do, or you crash. Let’s face it, everyone remembers “that” crash but struggle to remember the winn...