Surviving the “off season”

Whether your season finished early due to breakage, or it’s just the regular “off season” … then if you’re anything like me, simply going without for even a few months is a terrifying thought akin to “going cold turkey”.

While I do understand that as neither my car or body are spring chickens anymore, we both need some maintenance time, but that still doesn’t stop my brain from going stir crazy and coming up with bizarre antics to keep entertained.

So in order to retain some level of sanity, and to stop driving the family around the bend, I’ve come up with a variety of “off season” tasks to make the following season even better.

  • Maintenance
    I’m not just talking about the race car/bike, although that is the priority. Take this opportunity to check over the trailer, give the tow vehicle a service and spruce up. Check your tools, your spares, your generator. Make sure everything is topped up, fresh, clean and working.
  • Me Time
    Remember when you used to go out to lunch with the girls? Have a make over day? Go op-shopping just for the fun of it? Work in the garden? Read a book? Well now’s your chance to re-introduce yourself to that life outside of racing… yes there is one… but ease yourself in gently.
  • Get Organised
    We are all guilty of taking way too much stuff to the track. Pull everything out of the trailer, check it and sort it out, then pack it away again nice and neat. Get some extra tubs if you need them. At least you’ll be able to find stuff when the season starts.
  • Sponsorship
    The earlier you get to work on this the better. Work out how much a season costs you, then, after you’ve picked yourself back up off the floor, work out what you’re willing to give in exchange for sponsorship. (Your time, space on the car, crew spot, tickets etc…)
    Then get cracking on your proposal. (Here’s some examples to inspire you.)
  • Promotion
    Just because you’re not racing doesn’t mean you have to go into hibernation. If the car/bike is even kinda in one piece, then go on show, and take the opportunity to be an ambassador for your sport.
    Even if your car/bike is a shy with all its workings hanging out, then look a doing some show and tell presentations for Scouts, Guides, The Mens Shed, your local school. And don’t worry about what you’ll talk about, as they will have loads of questions.
    (Make sure you have some hand outs, either posters or Swap Cards so they remember you when the season starts again.)
  • Don’t forget your fans
    While nothing much is happening, it’s really easy to forget you already have a heap of fans. But just like regular friends, if you ignore them, they’ll disappear. So make sure you keep your facebook page, instagram, youtube up to date with little bits of information and flash backs. Just to remind them that you’re still around.
June 30, 2015