Racers against Bullies

Everyone thinks that just because you’re in the public eye, and appear confident on the outside, that you can’t be a victim of bullying behaviour. But I’m here to tell you first hand that anyone can be a victim, and it hurts just the same.

Those who know me, know I’m super passionate about my motorsport (through Grunt Monkey Racing and as an advocate of Girls Torque), and do everything to encourage other women to join me in what is normally a dedicated male domain. But when I met Sian (the founder of Kidzucate) and hear what she was doing for kids who are bullied, I took a giant step back. I was truly humbled to be in the presence of one so young who was so passionate about something so important.

With this knowledge in hand, Girls Torque and Kidzucate decided to create a set of playing cards to go out to the schools, that can help kids identify and deal with bully behaviour. Each of our cards feature a junior femal racer from around Australia and New Zealand, specifically chosen as our Racers against Bullies ambassadors. Our girls have not just proudly taken a stand with this project, they have also provided an individual message of encouragement to other kids, just like themselves.

While creating these cards, for Girls Torque and Kidzucate, I was constantly humbled by the messages of encouragement sent through by these bold young ladies, many who speak from their own personal experience. I was reminded over and again of the Kidzucate matra … kids learn best from kids.

The oversized card sets are housed in a flip top box, holding 54 cards. Thats every card that you get in the normal deck of cards, plus two jokers. Combining the branding colours of Kidzucate and Girls Torque means that the cards are bright and engaging, perfectly suited for young hands and minds.

Our plan is to deliver as many of these sets of cards, along with a lesson plan for the teacher, out to as many local primary schools as possible. We want as many kids as possible to know how they can Take-a-Stand against bullies with our racer girls as role models.


By way of personal donations and pre-orders through a crowdfunding campaign, we have initially ordered a small limited number of sets, just to get the ball rolling. While we’re not even half way through our campagin, but almost half of these card sets are already allocated either to schools or personal purchases (23-10-2017).

If you would like to help out with our campaign of Racers Against Bullies, please drop by www.anti-bully.net and pledge your support either through a donation, a share or simply a word of encouragement.

October 23, 2017