Profile: Kellie Kidd20180729132853

Profile: Kellie Kidd

Your Story MattersJuly 29, 2018
To be the best person and driver you can be, challenge yourself, stay grounded be a humble winner and a gracious loser, accepting you can't win all the races. Learn from those losses and take each win as a stepping stone towards becoming the Champion...
Profile: Melissa Theuerkauf20180715122719

Profile: Melissa Theuerkauf

Your Story MattersJuly 15, 2018
Mel started out on the sidelines of the race track, photographing hubby as he raced, and helping out with his race car. But there comes a point for every racer girl, when deep down you and everyone around you know that you want to get behind the whee...
At just 12, she is the first ever female motocross champion in Zimbabwe20180611091836

At just 12, she is the first ever female motocross champion in Zimbabwe

Myrtle MotorheadJune 11, 2018
“I race motocross because when I was young, my dad used to take me on his motorcycle. It was a great feeling. After my first experience and exposure on the bike, I went back and got faster and faster until I did not want to get off. It was after comp...
Badass grandma, Mary McGee wasn’t your average housewife20180608091035

Badass grandma, Mary McGee wasn’t your average housewife

Myrtle MotorheadJune 8, 2018
History has no shortage of fascinating people who did things differently at a time when we didn’t have all the fancy technologies and equipment we do now. So when you hear about a car and bike-racing woman who defied the odds and kicked opened a few ...
With a Pinch of Salt20180509064900

With a Pinch of Salt

Myrtle MotorheadMay 9, 2018
Traverse issue 05 sees us take to the salt of Lake Gairdner to witness the fastest motorcycles, and some of the fastest women on two wheels, on earth and the culture that surrounds this unique sport. Evelyne Scholz Racing (pictured). Full Story avail...
Katherine Legge: Race Car Driver to the Marrow20180508100049

Katherine Legge: Race Car Driver to the Marrow

Myrtle MotorheadMay 8, 2018
You can see it in her eyes: focus. A single path to follow in life, one that informs every decision she makes, and every word she says in her distinct English diction. Katherine Legge is a race car driver to the marrow. A nomad who doesn’t think twic...
The female drag racer aiming to make history at Top Fuel20180427141222

The female drag racer aiming to make history at Top Fuel

Myrtle MotorheadApril 27, 2018
“There’s no advantage to being male or female, it’s all down to mental strength – the competition can be won or lost in your head,” Bettes said. “The skill is being able to make the right decisions, to keep your co...
Nathalie McGloin – Inspiring Possibility20180131093200

Nathalie McGloin – Inspiring Possibility

Myrtle MotorheadJanuary 31, 2018
Nathalie McGloin is an inspirational woman who has become the UK’s first – and only – female race car driver with a spinal cord injury. Nathalie was paralyzed from the chest down after a serious car accident when she was only 16. Despite ...
Racer Profiles: Beat the Heat20171013071400

Racer Profiles: Beat the Heat

Your Story MattersOctober 13, 2017
Lauren SCHILLING is a mum from Warracknabeal. She has just commenced her dream of being a drag racing driver, after purchasing this XR6. Although this car is also Laurens every day drive complete with a baby seat, she will be entering this car in the...
Ararat Police and Grampians Grease Monkeys appeal for ‘Beat the Heat’ legal drag racing funding20170914173000

Ararat Police and Grampians Grease Monkeys appeal for ‘Beat the Heat’ legal drag racing funding

Myrtle MotorheadSeptember 14, 2017
ARARAT Police and Grampians Grease Monkeys have appealed for funding to keep the ‘Beat the Heat’ legal drag racing events going. The groups also want to expand their youth outreach program that uses mechanic training to keep at-risk young people out ...
Terri doesn’t let Cancer slow her down20160204020000

Terri doesn’t let Cancer slow her down

Your Story MattersFebruary 4, 2016
My passion is DRAG RACING and I’m a wife, mother and grandmother, and I was first diagnosed with breast cancer in January 2003 aged 47 years. Name:  Terri Sander aka mama My current race car is a left-hand drive Rover called “MAMA’S TOY” Its debut wa...
RACER PROFILE: AndyK & the Poken Mobile20150914060300

RACER PROFILE: AndyK & the Poken Mobile

Your Story MattersSeptember 14, 2015
The PokenOz drag racing team didn’t start with an easy ride, but with determination, support from friends and extreme love for the sport, the team is finally completing its first full season of racing.     About 4 years ago, after crewing for a frien...