But you don’t LOOK like a car person !!??20180115025500
But you don’t LOOK like a car person !!??
Andy KahleJanuary 15, 2018
I’m going to let you into a little secret. I like cars. I specifically like muscle cars that are loud, have shiny bits and are fast, but I have an appreciation for most vehicles in general. And you might be surprised to hear that there are plen...
“I’d rather pay someone than get my hands dirty.”20160706041100
“I’d rather pay someone than get my hands dirty.”
Andy KahleJuly 6, 2016
Whilst promoting the GirlsTorque Workshops I realised it wasn’t the first time I’d heard this comment. Each time someone says this I feel an entire generation has lost the will to learn and the drive to be in control. Have you ever notice...
The Gender Equality Cat Fight is Real20160308015500
The Gender Equality Cat Fight is Real
Andy KahleMarch 8, 2016
Playing in a traditionally men’s domain, whether it’s work or sport, can have some serious disadvantages for the average female. Sure, not all blokes are out-rightly sexist, but equality in the work place was only introduced about 30 year...
It’s My Turn in the Shed20160223005600
It’s My Turn in the Shed
Andy KahleFebruary 23, 2016
I’m working on a project. It’s nothing to do with engines or motorsport. I’ve found some really cool office renovation ideas on pinterest, so I’ve decided I’m capable, and have started to do some building. I’ve don...
The “Black Dog” races too.20160212022900
The “Black Dog” races too.
Andy KahleFebruary 12, 2016
You might think race drivers, crew and officials are all super happy, outgoing and well-adjusted people, without a care in the world and loads of self-esteem. But what if I told you there are experienced drivers who have nerves so bad they will throw...
Girls Encouraged to “Have a Go”20160131065900
Girls Encouraged to “Have a Go”
Andy KahleJanuary 31, 2016
A very special and yet disturbing story reached our desk this week, about a young girl who was told by her teacher, that real girls can’t be race car drivers. This comment caused us and every woman worldwide to take a step back in shock. Watchi...
How to steal all the attention at a show?20150430013000
How to steal all the attention at a show?
Andy KahleApril 30, 2015
On the weekend I attended a Vintage Collectors Market and Car Show with a couple of friends, to show of my old drag racing car. Although it was only a small event, all three of us were run off our feet until closing time talking, posing for pictures,...
Do you really want to be facebook friends with all your fans?20150420031200
Do you really want to be facebook friends with all your fans?
Andy KahleApril 20, 2015
Whether you like it or not, being a racer means you have fans. Whether you’re an international celebrity or just a celebrity in your street, you can’t avoid the fact that there are people out there who think what you do is really cool, an...
Motorsport Marketing 101 – Look & Act the Part with No Money Down20140307061800
Motorsport Marketing 101 – Look & Act the Part with No Money Down
Andy KahleMarch 7, 2014
Look & Act the Part with No Money Down Unfortunately in our sport, you only get noticed if you are exceptionally good at what you do, or you crash. Let’s face it, everyone remembers “that” crash but struggle to remember the winn...
Myrtle Opens Her Heart20140211062900
Myrtle Opens Her Heart
Andy KahleFebruary 11, 2014
I’m a HUGE motorsport fan, I love going to the races, hearing the sounds, smelling the smells and meeting new people. I was very sad when I started learning about the ‘dark side’ of motorsport…the crashes and injuries… I...