High school girls visit track to “Fuel the Female” careers in motorsports20180517100213
High school girls visit track to “Fuel the Female” careers in motorsports
Myrtle MotorheadMay 17, 2018
A handful of women actually work on the IndyCars as mechanics and engineers. The Indianapolis Motor Speedway hosted a first-time event called “Fuel the Female” Tuesday, designed to attract more women into jobs in motorsports. Full ...
NHRA’s Leah Pritchett: Drag racing embraces diversity in drivers at all levels20180517095910
NHRA’s Leah Pritchett: Drag racing embraces diversity in drivers at all levels
Myrtle MotorheadMay 17, 2018
Why have women drivers had a long history of winning at the top levels of drag racing but have had trouble finding victory lane in NASCAR and IndyCar? Leah Pritchett, a successful female driver in the National Hot Rod Association, said the answer isn...
Guide to Buying a Used Motorcycle20180516100541
Guide to Buying a Used Motorcycle
Myrtle MotorheadMay 16, 2018
Looking for a used motorcycle is a lengthy process including many contemplations all the while determining what type of motorcycle you want. Cruiser, sport, touring- new or used and on top of it all – where should you look. What should you check or ...
Combating Motion Camouflage While Riding Your Motorcycle20180516095310
Combating Motion Camouflage While Riding Your Motorcycle
Myrtle MotorheadMay 16, 2018
Motion Camouflage is the result and the explanation of why motorcycles and motorcyclists appear invisible to automobilist in certain circumstances. Being seen is not just about wearing reflective gear, choosing blocking and high vis lane positions. ...
Enzo Ferrari Museum celebrates brand’s most famous women drivers20180514094422
Enzo Ferrari Museum celebrates brand’s most famous women drivers
Myrtle MotorheadMay 14, 2018
The Enzo Ferrari Museum in Modena has launched a special exhibition celebrating the connection between the Prancing Horse brand and prominent women. “Il Rosso & il Rosa” includes cars owned and driven by women from the worlds of enter...
5 Awesome Sportswomen Also Holding Down Regular Jobs20180511095409
5 Awesome Sportswomen Also Holding Down Regular Jobs
Myrtle MotorheadMay 11, 2018
For many of us, arriving home from work involves popping something easy in the oven and seeing what’s on TV. But for some of the UK’s top women in sport, this is just the start of their day. Motorsport racing driver Charlie Martin has been competing ...
Commentary: Drag Racing’s Female Stars Overlooked20180509065417
Commentary: Drag Racing’s Female Stars Overlooked
Myrtle MotorheadMay 9, 2018
Leah Pritchett and Courtney Force left the NHRA Southern Nationals in Atlanta with winner trophies and far less attention than Danica Patrick received for simply turning laps at Indianapolis Motor Speedway. So how is that NHRA has become the landing ...
With a Pinch of Salt20180509064900
With a Pinch of Salt
Myrtle MotorheadMay 9, 2018
Traverse issue 05 sees us take to the salt of Lake Gairdner to witness the fastest motorcycles, and some of the fastest women on two wheels, on earth and the culture that surrounds this unique sport. Evelyne Scholz Racing (pictured). Full Story avail...
Katherine Legge: Race Car Driver to the Marrow20180508100049
Katherine Legge: Race Car Driver to the Marrow
Myrtle MotorheadMay 8, 2018
You can see it in her eyes: focus. A single path to follow in life, one that informs every decision she makes, and every word she says in her distinct English diction. Katherine Legge is a race car driver to the marrow. A nomad who doesn’t think twic...
First all-women pro final highlights Gulf Western Oil Nitro Thunder20180506150246
First all-women pro final highlights Gulf Western Oil Nitro Thunder
Myrtle MotorheadMay 6, 2018
Top Fuel rookie Kelly Bettes has taken the lead of the 400 Thunder championship after a win in a historic final at Gulf Western Oil Nitro Thunder at Sydney Dragway. In the first all-female final in Australian professional drag racing history, Bettes ...
What It Takes To Gamble Everything You Have To Go Build Race Cars Like A True Badass20180430145351
What It Takes To Gamble Everything You Have To Go Build Race Cars Like A True Badass
Myrtle MotorheadApril 30, 2018
Getting your foot in the door of the automotive industry isn’t easy. It’s already a small space and it’s extremely competitive. But if you’re talented and you want in badly enough—and you’re willing to gamble anything and everything you have to get i...
Still Fast, Still Furious: ‘First Lady of Drag Racing’ recounts past, gives perspective on present20180429150033
Still Fast, Still Furious: ‘First Lady of Drag Racing’ recounts past, gives perspective on present
Myrtle MotorheadApril 29, 2018
CONCORD — Last year, when the NHRA came to Concord for the Four-Wide Nationals, the organization was touting its most recent accomplishment: being the most diverse motorsports league in the world. However, as is the case with just about any Ame...