“I’d rather pay someone than get my hands dirty.”20160706041100

“I’d rather pay someone than get my hands dirty.”

Andy KahleJuly 6, 2016
Whilst promoting the GirlsTorque Workshops I realised it wasn’t the first time I’d heard this comment. Each time someone says this I feel an entire generation has lost the will to learn and the drive to be in control. Have you ever notice...
The Gender Equality Cat Fight is Real20160308015500

The Gender Equality Cat Fight is Real

Andy KahleMarch 8, 2016
Playing in a traditionally men’s domain, whether it’s work or sport, can have some serious disadvantages for the average female. Sure, not all blokes are out-rightly sexist, but equality in the work place was only introduced about 30 year...
It’s My Turn in the Shed20160223005600

It’s My Turn in the Shed

Andy KahleFebruary 23, 2016
I’m working on a project. It’s nothing to do with engines or motorsport. I’ve found some really cool office renovation ideas on pinterest, so I’ve decided I’m capable, and have started to do some building. I’ve don...
The “Black Dog” races too.20160212022900

The “Black Dog” races too.

Andy KahleFebruary 12, 2016
You might think race drivers, crew and officials are all super happy, outgoing and well-adjusted people, without a care in the world and loads of self-esteem. But what if I told you there are experienced drivers who have nerves so bad they will throw...
Terri doesn’t let Cancer slow her down20160204020000

Terri doesn’t let Cancer slow her down

Your Story MattersFebruary 4, 2016
My passion is DRAG RACING and I’m a wife, mother and grandmother, and I was first diagnosed with breast cancer in January 2003 aged 47 years. Name:  Terri Sander aka mama My current race car is a left-hand drive Rover called “MAMA’S TOY” Its debut wa...
Girls Encouraged to “Have a Go”20160131065900

Girls Encouraged to “Have a Go”

Andy KahleJanuary 31, 2016
A very special and yet disturbing story reached our desk this week, about a young girl who was told by her teacher, that real girls can’t be race car drivers. This comment caused us and every woman worldwide to take a step back in shock. Watchi...
Girls are Stepping into all Roles20160131062300

Girls are Stepping into all Roles

Myrtle MotorheadJanuary 31, 2016
Think of any role in motorsport, team manager, driver, mechanic, photographer, track marshall, and I’ll bet you a new set of tyres, that somewhere there is a woman in that very role. Now while this observation may not surprise some of you, ther...
Crew Member Profile: Mick Kahle20150930060600

Crew Member Profile: Mick Kahle

Your Story MattersSeptember 30, 2015
Here I was minding my own business, enjoying watching the drag racing when I had the time. No pressure, no stress, just going at my own pace. Then Andy (my wife) introduces me to the husband of a friend who is drag racing a still street registered Fo...
RACER PROFILE: AndyK & the Poken Mobile20150914060300

RACER PROFILE: AndyK & the Poken Mobile

Your Story MattersSeptember 14, 2015
The PokenOz drag racing team didn’t start with an easy ride, but with determination, support from friends and extreme love for the sport, the team is finally completing its first full season of racing.     About 4 years ago, after crewing for a frien...
RACER PROFILE: Drag Racer Lisa Sherry20150909055900

RACER PROFILE: Drag Racer Lisa Sherry

Your Story MattersSeptember 9, 2015
Lisa has crewed for her father, Bob Sherry, since she was 16 but has been at the track watching her dad race since the age of 5. In 1993 she raced her daily drive, a white VN 308 Commodore, and then in 1995 Lisa had a run down the track in a hot 308 ...
Surviving the “off season”20150630034200

Surviving the “off season”

Myrtle MotorheadJune 30, 2015
Whether your season finished early due to breakage, or it’s just the regular “off season” … then if you’re anything like me, simply going without for even a few months is a terrifying thought akin to “going cold tu...
RACER PROFILE: Introducing Niki Zakrzewski20150627021200

RACER PROFILE: Introducing Niki Zakrzewski

Your Story MattersJune 27, 2015
The Winternats, Australia’s biggest annual drag racing event, was a great result for myself, my race team & Harley Davidson VRod enthusiasts around the world, running 2 x 8.6 ET’s and getting into the semis & bugger when I cherrie...