On Sunday, Sian was invited by the Prime Minister of Australia, Malcolm Turnbull, to attend a private BBQ at The Lodge where he lives. There she met Julie Bishop, Minister for Foreign Affairs, and Tony Smith The Speaker of the House of Representatives and President of the Senate.Sian advocates strongly against Bullying and told them all about her journey with Kidzucate. She then gave the Prime Minister 3 packs of the Kidzucate / GirlsTorque Bully Awareness Playing cards with other Kidzucate items for his grandchildren.

On Monday she met with Anne Aly, Member of Cowen and after that for 45 minutes with Senator the Hon. Michaelia Cash, Minister for Jobs and Innovation and chatted about Kidzucate and her bully prevention program where kids learn better though kids. Sian also gave her a pack of Kidzucate / GirlsTorque playing cards, and this will be displayed in her office for visitors to view.
The trip to Canberra was a life-changing trip and hopefully, the Kidzucate kid made her mark there in support of the fight against bullies.
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Get hold of your very own set of cards from our online store, and don’t forget to nominate which school you’d like to receive a set in your name.
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Myrtle is Girls Torque’s mascot who loves to go and visit motorsport people and events, and also write stories about the seriously great ladies out there doing great stuff in this sport. Some work, some volunteer, some race, some show and some build.