Terri doesn’t let Cancer slow her down20160204020000
Terri doesn’t let Cancer slow her down
Your Story MattersFebruary 4, 2016
My passion is DRAG RACING and I’m a wife, mother and grandmother, and I was first diagnosed with breast cancer in January 2003 aged 47 years. Name: Terri Sander aka mama My current race car is a left-hand drive Rover called “MAMA’S TOY” Its debut wa...
RACER PROFILE: AndyK & the Poken Mobile20150914060300
RACER PROFILE: AndyK & the Poken Mobile
Your Story MattersSeptember 14, 2015
The PokenOz drag racing team didn’t start with an easy ride, but with determination, support from friends and extreme love for the sport, the team is finally completing its first full season of racing. About 4 years ago, after crewing for a frien...