Profile: Isabella “Izzy” Anspach

Sport: Junior Drag Racing | Activity: Driver

Izzy has gone from being in the crowd watching dad win his races to being in front of the crowd racing her very own McGee Motor Junior Dragster with a Polar clutch set in A class. The A Class is the fastest class in juniors and allows the racer to go a maximum speed of 7.9seconds over an 8th mile track. For Izzy, this is just the beginning. She attends every racing event she possibly can, including all the test n tunes, only taking a couple of months off due to the off season.

Friends and teachers are totally mind blown at what Izzy likes to call her “forever sport”, but along with her family (and her racing family and friends) they’re all very supportive.

Like many drag racers, Izzy’s best memory on the track is about cutting a great light. For those of you who aren’t familiar with drag racing, this is when you have an awesome reaction time and leave the start line within 100th’s of a second of the light going green. It’s takes a very focused mind and quite a bit of practise to get this right. Her next big dream moment will be winning the much coveted golden christmas tree trophy.

But it’s early days yet for Izzy and her racing career, so there will be plenty of opportunities for wins and perfect lights in the years to come as she steps up through the racing categories. With her 18th birthday approaching Izzy is eye’ing off dad’s Ford Mustang and hoping to get her license in Super Comp.

“Follow your dreams, and go with your heart. Don’t let anyone tell you anything different to what you want to be. It may takes months or in my case years. It’ll come when the time is right.”

Please don’t forget to also support Izzy’s sponsor who makes it possible for her to enjoy her sport; SA Oil Recovery.


June 19, 2020

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