Profile: Brianna “Bri” Barker

Drag Racing – Super Street – Driver

If you’re not into drag racing, you may not be aware of the role of “reverse gear”, but when she’s not racing her own AMC Rambler Hornet in Super Street, this is the role Bri has for a Supercharged Outlaws team.

Running in front of the drag car, as it reverses up after the burnout, directing the driver to keep their wheels within the rubber line they’re just laid down on the track, was Bri’s first job in drag racing. That and helping to pack up the parachutes after each race. But the enjoyment she felt standing on the start line watching another driver just wasn’t quite enough and she felt she had to give it a go herself.

So Bri started racing the old 12 second Rambler her dad had owned since he was 15 years old. “This was the car dad used to race when I watched him when I was 6.”

Super Street racing is considered Bracket racing. It’s not about being the fastest, but instead knowing your car and the conditions. While the aim is to still beat the other racer on the track, you can’t go quicker than your “dialed in” time.

Having been around and involved in drag racing all her life has allowed Bri insights into some of the important factors needed for drag racing, such as not being concerned with what car you’re driving, how slow you might be, or what other people think. “Get out there and give it a go, everyone in drag racing are really understanding & always willing to help you out with anything you need! In the staging lanes, don’t be afraid to go up to someone and have a chat! Everyone is super friendly and will give you the time of day.”

If you’d like to follow and support Brianna’s racing, you can drop by Brianna’s facebook

Please don’t forget to also Bri’s sponsors who makes it possible for her to enjoy her sport; StyroMAX Fibreglass Composite Panels, Redline Ace & LED Autolamps

June 21, 2020