Katherine Legge: Race Car Driver to the Marrow

You can see it in her eyes: focus. A single path to follow in life, one that informs every decision she makes, and every word she says in her distinct English diction. Katherine Legge is a race car driver to the marrow. A nomad who doesn’t think twice about packing up and moving to a different state, or country, or continent, for a race seat. A person with an insatiable hunger for motorsports. “I eat, drink, breathe, sleep, live — everything — racing.” Legge said, “I mean, I cannot imagine a world without racing in it, without me driving. The thought terrifies me.”

Read more: http://autoweek.com/article/people/katherine-legge-race-car-driver-marrow#ixzz5Fcsbr3m6

May 8, 2018